All SHARE St. Louis 2018 Session Handouts
VSP: Hear a customer's experience with FDRPAS and FDRPASVM Non-Disruptive DASD migration for z/OS, z/VM and Linux Z data
VSP: CICS & Db2 Performance Analytics Based on SMF Data
VSP: Protecting your storage from Logical Data Corruption and Cyber Attacks
VSP: Cheryl Watson’s Hard Truths on SW Pricing
VSP: Creating CICS Web Services for Integration/Modernization
VSP: Operations Analytics: Identify Mainframe Consumption and Utilization for Cost Optimization
VSP: zHyperlink: The Holy Grail of Mainframe I/O
LNL: What's New in Artificial Intelligence for SMF and RMF/CMF Analysis?
LNL: Disaster Recovery Methods - Featuring a Case Study of One Client's Migration to Mainframe DRaaS
LNL: Machine Learning for z/OS Architecture and Use Case Applications
LNL: Why You Need to Replace Those Anti-DevOps Tools with Innovative and Modern Pipelines
LNL: DevOps without Borders: Break Free from the Chains That Bind You
LNL: Batch Processing in the Mainframe World
LNL: Join INNOVATION for Lunch and Learn & Hear About Customer User Experiences with FDRPAS and FDRPASVM
LNL: How We Work with RFEs, Design Partnership Members, and Sponsor Users
Git and DBB for z/OS for COBOL and PL/I
Turning your COBOL Application from a Model T into a Ferrari - Using Blockchain!
Provisioning z/OS Development and Test Environments The DevOps Way
Lab: Build Your First Blockchain Application
Speed Your z/OS Applications into the API Economy with z/OS Connect EE
Migrating to Rational Team Concert from SCLM and Other z/OS SCMs
Lab: IBM PD Tools - Dive into Increased Programmer Productivity
Lab: DevOps for z Tools: RDz, RTCz, z/OS Explorer
Cognitive DevOps : Bridging Dev & Ops
A Day in the Life of a Developer - Part 2 of 2
A Day in the Life of a Developer - Part 1 of 2
Cloud Provisioning of WebSphere Liberty using z/OSMF Workflows
WebSphere Liberty and WebSphere Application Server Traditional - What's New?
Overview of Liberty z/OS Security
Expand Your Support Experience into Social Spaces
Common Problems and Other Things You Should Know About WAS on z/OS
WebSphere Liberty Best Practices
WAS on Z/OS: Liberty or Traditional? How Do I Decide?
ABCs of WebSphere Liberty
Faster Time to Value: A New Strategy for Mainframe Application Delivery
Deep Dive in to z/OS Connect Service Provider Options for CICS, MQ and More
CICS Security in an Interconnected Environment
Introduction to CICS for the Non-CICS Specialist
CICS Liberty Profile: Java on the Mainframe in Sixty Minutes
CICS Explorer: What's New, and What's Even Newer
CICS Education Beyond Conferences