Help! My Mainframers Are Retiring and I Need New Talent
Promoting Your Technical Career by Leveraging Business Results
The First Steps in Mastering Social Media
More Presentation Skills - Tips, Tricks, and Story Telling
Strategies for the Diminishing Mainframe Workforce
Strategic Planning: Why Does It Matter To Me?
Crypto for CIOs (and the Rest of Us)
The Billion Dollar Product - "Online Privacy"
Live: Subsystem Security for Dummies
Needle in the Haystack ... Where is That Sensitive Data Located on Disk?
Data Privacy and the Insider Threat
Security Opening:Â AÂ Security Potpourri
Experiences with Two Factor Authentication (2FA) on z/OS
Best Practices for Securing Privileged Accounts
Live: Protection Begins with Data at the Center: Encrypt it All with z Systems Pervasive Encryption
Structuring Your Organization's Controls to Effectively be Responsive to Audits
The Encryption Pyramid: Choosing the Level That Works for You
Payment Card Industry Trends and Your Crypto Express Cards
What's New in z Systems Crypto: Enterprise Key Management Edition
Live: Deploying Pervasive Encryption in the Enterprise -- A Business and Technical Perspective
Vulnerability Patterns on z/OS:Â Lessons from the IBM Secure Engineering Team
P@$$w0rd - or passwords??
What is GDPR and Why Do I Care?
RACF Security Event Monitoring (Maximizing your SIEM ROI)
What is SETROPTS and Why is it Important?
Cybercrime Fighting for Mainframe Superheroes – A Holistic Approach
CA Mainframe Security Update and Hidden Gems
Zero-Day Vulnerabilities in the z/OS Operating System Layer
DevOps & Managing Cultural Change: A Panel Discussion
Lessons Learned Building a Multi-Vendor Mainframe Inclusive DevOps Toolchain
Business Rule Harvesting: Fast Track to DevOps Agility
Decoding Agile and DevOps for Mainframe Development and Continuous Delivery
Modernizing Your z/OS Development Environment
Interested in Taming Your Technical Debt?
Agile z/OS Application Infrastructure Performance Testing for DevOps
GIT for Traditional z/OS Development
DevOps for the Enterprise
Agile & DevOps for Mainframe Free-For-All
Struggles with DevOps for Mainframe
Are Microservices the Gold Nuggets for z Systems
Taking Your Seat at the DevOps Table
Connected: Tackling the Mainframe Skills Question in the Digital Era
First Penguins, Now Pythons? What Good Are Snakes on the Mainframe?
From Fossils To Jurassic Park
Introduction to z/OS DASD Backup and Archive
ISMF for Non-Storage-Administrators
Motivating Coworkers When You’re the Junior Person in the Room
Why I Am a Millennial Mainframer
Early Tenure Technical Leadership: NOT an Oxymoron
Live: Mainframe Manager Nightmares: Baby Boomers, GenX-ers and Millennials All on One Team!