Bit Bucket x'38'
Project and Program:
MVS Performance
SHARE St. Louis 2018
In this session, the speakers will cover a myriad of topics too small to have a session of their own and too important not to pass along. You can take these items back home and put them straight to use. Specific topics and speakers are not finalized until late Wednesday night during the week of SHARE, so we can only whet your appetite by mentioning some past topics.
HMC Integrated 3270 Console for NIP/IPL, IEFSSNxx BEGINPARALLEL, Excl to SHR ENQ Downgrade, $CIWORK, HSM Patch Limit, zFS Migration, and much more!
To view all past Bit Bucket presentations you can visit the SHARE website at and then click the 'Now available in our file library: Every Bit Bucket presentation from every SHARE!' link. The Bit Bucket has been a tradition at SHARE since 1991 and has new content at each conference.-Edward Jaffe-Phoenix Software International; Skip Robinson-Southern California Edison; Thomas Conley-Pinnacle Consulting Group; Sam Knutson-Compuware; Mary Anne Matyaz-CA Technologies
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