CICS DevOps Deep Dive: Automation with the CICS Build Toolkit & DFHDPLOY
Project and Program:
Application Architecture Development and Integration,
Proceedings ,
2016 ,
SHARE in San Antonio 2016
Creating a CICS cloud can provide a step change in agility. Add DevOps to the equation and it's more like a quantum leap. Imagine if the latest CICS DevOps technology could fully automate the reliable and repeatable deployment of CICS applications through the entire lifecycle. Imagine a fully automated build environment for any style of CICS application; with common scripting languages and tools to create a continuous deployment model. Or imagine using a tool like IBM UrbanCode Deploy to provision any type of CICS application; in coordination with other application and database components in a single action. Better still; don't try and imagine it. Attend this session and see it for yourself.-Fraser Bohm-IBM Corporation; Andy Bates-IBM UK Laboratories Limited
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