DevOps : Automation and Self-Service Provisioning of MQ on z/OS
Project and Program:
Application Architecture Development and Integration,
MQ (Messaging and Queuing along with Integration Bus)
SHARE San Jose 2017
In this session, the speaker shows how z/OSMF Cloud Provisioning services can be used to create and run workflow templates to provision and de-provision MQ for z/OS Queue Manager and Queue resources in minutes. Learn how these workflows can be driven from the z/OS Provisioning Toolkit, a sample z/OSMF portal, a user provided Service Portal using REST APIs, and the z/OSMF GUI. The session also describes how the task of Queue Manager customization can be automated, and potentially simplified, so that tenants can rapidly stand up or down MQ for z/OS Queue Managers and resources for use in Continuous Delivery, Continuous Integration and old fashioned production scenarios!-Mayur Raja-IBM UK Laboratories Limited
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