"I Will Survive!" Creating an Enterprise Mobile App
Project and Program:
Enterprise Data Center,
Integrating Innovative Technologies
SHARE Atlanta 2016,
Creating a mobile app for an enterprise isn't trivial just because the interface is smaller. In this session, the speaker will share our lessons learned from creating an internal IBM mobile app for our IBM Client Center organization. Join us for our tales of woe for what we wish we would have done differently, what skill sets you need (what we didn't have) and our recommendation for how to approach developing a mobile app.
We will be sharing how we used IBM MobileFirst Platform in the creation of our app, the architecture we are utilizing and future plans. We will also discuss: • Ways of integrating with API Connect, z/OS Enterprise Edition, JSON and Swagger.
• Leveraging cloud with your mobile app through offerings like Watson API and BlueMix.
• Starting to address security with IBM MobileFirst Platform, Datapower and Maas360.
-Jennifer Foley-IBM Corporation; Olayinka Adesanya-IBM
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