IBM MQ, JMS and WebSphere Application Server, What You Need to Know
Project and Program:
Application Architecture Development and Integration,
MQ (Messaging and Queuing along with Integration Bus)
SHARE San Jose 2017
In this session, the speaker will walk you through how MQ can be used as the messaging provider for applications in Java Enterprise Edition application servers with a particular focus on WebSphere Application Server, the WebSphere Liberty Profile and their JMS 2.0 capabilities. Detailed configurations of the MQ JCA Resource Adapter for asynchronous message consumption by message-driven beans (MDBs) will be discussed, best practice advice given and common gotchas highlighted. The session assumes a basic knowledge of MQ but will take you from beginner to expert with MQ JMS messaging in a JEE environment. The session will hopefully provide both application server admins and MQ admins an insight into each others' world with regard to messaging.-Thomas Leend-IBM UK Laboratories Limited
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