Lab: Proactive Automation and Performance Monitoring with the IBM Service Management Unite Dashboard
Project and Program:
Enterprise Data Center,
Data Center Management
SHARE San Jose 2017
In this hands-on lab, you will monitor and manage z/OS from a new DASH based GUI. IBM Service Management Unite V1.1.2 is a customizable dashboard user interface that is available with IBM Service Management Suite for z/OS 1.4.0. In this lab you will use Service Management Unite to identify and analyze a z/OS performance issue. You will learn how to restore service and use graphical topology views to look at the status of your automated z/OS resources. Exercises will show how you can start and stop applications, analyze problems using CANZLOG data and issue z/OS commands form one integrated web-based user interface.
Join us to see how easy it is to create your own specialized dashboards, using different data sources and widgets.-Ulrike Muench-IBM Corporation
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