LinuxONE Community Cloud - A Journey of Discovery
Project and Program:
Linux & VM,
SHARE Providence 2017,
In January 2016, a new venture was made publicly available, the LinuxONE Community Cloud. The original goal was to allow users and developers all over the world to experience Linux on z Systems at no cost. Using a combination of z/VM, openstack and Linux, this public cloud has provided servers to hundreds of subscribers. Along the way, a lot of lessons have been learned, and new goals have been established. The experiment has taken on a life of its own. Â
The speakers have been involved in the design, creation and management of the cloud since its inception.  They will discuss the support infrastructure, challenges in keeping the cloud running and secure. This will include the usage of z/VM Single System Image clusters, openstack running on z/VM and the usage of zKVM. They will also discuss how the cloud is being used, types of projects being implemented and future plans for more clouds.
Since the last SHARE, z/OS based services have been introduced to the cloud environment. An overview of how this works will also be presented.-Martha McConaghy-Marist College; Eva Yan-IBM
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