LNL: Why You Need to Replace Those Anti-DevOps Tools with Innovative and Modern Pipelines
Project and Program:
SHARE-wide Events,
SHARE St. Louis 2018
Be the cool kid in the enterprise again and learn how an open toolchain (including Git, SonarQube, IBM UrbanCodeDeploy,and IBM Dependency Based Build) is key to driving a modern pipeline. DevOps expert Rosalind Radcliffe will demonstrate how traditional z/OS applications can fit in your existing modern toolchain, and with minimal modifications. You'll learn how the tools and practices that enterprise and cloud developers use, can be the same, but without the pain and effort spent on the host-based solution that may be currently limiting your agility. Join us for lunch and an enlightening understand of how a modern delivery pipeline can break down silos, reduces costs, and expand your skills.-Rosalind Radcliffe-IBM Corporation
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