Securing the Access to Host Assets From 3270 TE Clients
Project and Program:
Enterprise Data Center,
Security and Compliance
SHARE Providence 2017,
In the beginning, 3270 terminals were wired directly into CICS applications through SNA networks: expensive and not too flexible, but simple and more importantly secure. Today, 3270 TE solutions rely on Internet connections and distributed applets or browser plugins. SNA network costs have been replaced – oftentimes exceeded - by client support costs. Those solutions are significantly more complex and less secure than the SNA networks they replaced. The host has essentially lost control of access to its own resources.
This presentation will introduce a different type of 3270 TE solution. One that brings back the simple centralized architecture of early years, to keep the control of access to host resources squarely on the host where it belongs. One that relies on standard web browsers rather than distributed applets or plugins, to eliminate the need to support distributed solution components, and more importantly to eliminate the security exposure created by distributed applets and plugins.-Patrick Fournier-SysperTec Communication
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