SHARE Live! - Cognitive z Systems
Project and Program:
Enterprise Data Center,
Integrating Innovative Technologies
SHARE Atlanta 2016,
With a state of the art processor, large memory and high performance I/O IBM's System z is well suited for today's analytic workloads. This presentation will provide a brief overview of the current generation of machine and introduce IBM Watson Explorer Content Analytics which is part of the IBM Watson Explorer family. Watson Explorer Content Analytics provides the ability to gain insight and understanding from the textual data (structured and unstructured data) present in today's businesses. Using natural language processing and text analytics Watson Explorer Content Analytics give a way to extract and normalize the additional information from the unstructured content which so often accompanies structured data. It provides a web based dashboard to manage the interactive analytic search used to explore the content. A demo will be shown running on Linux on Z to demonstrate the capabilities of the system.-Mathew S. Thoennes-Series z Systems Research
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