Using Policies to Manage Critical CICS Resources
Project and Program:
Application Architecture Development and Integration,
SHARE in Pittsburgh 2014
CICS V5 introduces significant capability to help manage CICS as a private cloud. The Platform definition can monitor the health of shared services and maintain consistency across regions simplifying application deployment while threshold policies can protect production systems against rogue applications by enforcing coding standards throughout the development lifecycle. See how to use these new resources in conjunction with existing facilities including CICS Monitoring and tools like CICS PA to manage and measure the health of your CICS environment. This session will cover recent enhancements to CICS including support for deploying and managing shared services such as TCP/IP connectivity, web services resources and Java runtimes as part of a Platform. Customers using workload management will discover how Application context information can now assist with dynamic routing. We will also describe the new threshold policies.-Matthew Webster-IBM UK Laboratories Limited
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