VSP: New Approach in Managing and Searching Operlog Data
Project and Program:
SHARE-wide Events,
SHARE Providence 2017,
This session will describe new ways to archive and search Operlog Data and present use cases that helped organizations streamline the process. By using saved/archived Operlog Data (in MDB – Message Data Block – format), the user will be able to access all detail information about WTOs and WTORs all the time. All data, like Jobid, Jobname, ASID…will be available/displayable and so dramatically simplify the analysis. Searching the Operlog Data will include such essential features as: • Displaying the messages around known problems; allowing to display n seconds before/after selected (known) data (Message Id, Job…). A very usual problem during analyzing operlog: what were the messages around the error messages (jobs, message text…) like "ICH408I"?
• Running Operlog Analysis also in Batch – allowing the user to run batch analysis of the Operlog data. Did some messages appear during the last hour?
• Supporting many extra-commands to managed the displayed data. The user know the problem happened between 09:45 and 10:45… there are a lot of messages during this time. Using some extra-commands the user will be able to exclude and/or focus on some messages and/or systems.
• Saving and sharing filters (System, Jobid, Jobname, Message Id, Text…)
This session will be of interest for system programmers who manage and analyze Operlog/Syslog Data.-Yves Colliard-Beta Systems
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